An Efficient Python 3 Solution to the Minimum Window Substring Problem

An efficient solution to this problem that beats 99.92% solutions in runtime and 98.79% in memory usage.

start = min_start = 0
end = -1
min_w = len(s) + 1

table = [0] * 128
count = len(t)

for c in t:
table[ord(c)] += 1

for c in s:
end += 1
if table[ord(c)] > 0:
count -= 1
table[ord(c)] -= 1

if count == 0:
while table[ord(s[start])] < 0:
table[ord(s[start])] += 1
start += 1

if end - start + 1 < min_w:
min_w = end - start + 1
min_start = start

return "" if min_w == len(s) + 1 else s[min_start:][:min_w]


  • Maintain a sliding window.
  • Keep track of whether the window contains all characters in t.
  • Also keep track of the "surplus" characters in the window.
  • If it does, shrink the window by trimming the redundant characters from the start, by referring to the surplus characters table.
  • Also keep track of the minimum window size and the corresponding window.

A Quick Prototype and Its Optimization

counter_t = Counter(t)
counter_w = Counter()
start = 0
w = ""
min_w = s + t
for c in s:
counter_w[c] += 1
w += c
while start < len(s) and counter_w[s[start]] - counter_t[s[start]] >= 1:
start += 1
w = w[1:]
if counter_t <= counter_w:
if len(w) < len(min_w):
min_w = w
if len(min_w) == len(s) + len(t):
return ""
return min_w

There is a lot of room for optimization in the above code.

  • The Counter class is handy but slow for this use case.
  • We can keep track of the start and end indices of the window instead of the substring of the window itself. Alternatively, we can keep track of the start index and the length of the window.
  • We don't have to trim the window at each interation, it is only needed when a valid window is found.
  • As a side effect, when we trim window only when the window is valid, we no longer need to guard start index again out of range error.

Explanation of the Final Code

Here's the final code with comments:

# Initialize the variables needed
start = min_start = 0
end = -1 # So that at the first iteration end == 1
min_w = len(s) + 1 # The max possible window length is len(s)

table = [0] * 128 # Since only letters are considered
count = len(t)

# Initialize the table
for c in t:
table[ord(c)] += 1

for c in s:
end += 1 # Advance the end index
if table[ord(c)] > 0: # One more char from t is found
count -= 1
table[ord(c)] -= 1 # Update the table

# A valid window is found
if count == 0:
# Let's trim the window!
while table[ord(s[start])] < 0:
# If the char at the start is "surplus", remove it
table[ord(s[start])] += 1
start += 1

# Update the minimum window
if end - start + 1 < min_w:
min_w = end - start + 1
min_start = start

# If a valid window is never found, return ""
return "" if min_w == len(s) + 1 else s[min_start:][:min_w]

The use of counter variable significantly speeds up the algorithm. Otherwise, we would have to consult the table each time, and test whether max(table) == 0 to see if we found a valid window.

Some Optimization Tricks for Leetcode

  • s[min_start:][:min_w] is somehow much faster than s[min_start:min_start + min_w + 1]
  • table[ord(c)] is faster than table[ord(c) - ord('A')]
  • Initialize min_w to a integer is slightly faster than float('inf').