Dual-domain Cloudflare Setup for GitHub Pages with HTTPS


I have two domains registered:

  • sghuang.com, with my initials for English and Chinese first names and last name.
  • guanchao.pro, with my first name in Chinese.

Since my portfolio is oriented towards English speakers (for now,) I want to point the secondary domain to the primary one while ensuring URLs with paths can still be accessed. The primary domain is used for this website hosted on GitHub Pages.

Cloudflare is used as the nameserver and provides simple proxy features.

Desired Behaviors

For the secondary domain:

  • feiyue.guanchao.pro redirects to an external URL (with a specific path).
  • example.guanchao.pro/path forwards to example.sghuang.com/path. Note that example could be www. In particular, notes.guanchao.pro/note should be correctly handled to access the canonical Obsidian publication.
  • Similarly, guanchao.pro/path is also forwarded.

For the primary domain:

  • All services need to be accessed with either http:// or https:// or no schema.
  • The domain should be accessible both with and without the www. prefix.
  • Obsidian vault accessible at notes.sghuang.com
  • GitHub Pages website accessible at sghuang.com

GitHub Pages with HTTPS

Simply adding A DNS records pointing to the GitHub Pages servers isn't perfect. The problems are:

  • On GitHub Pages: "Your site is live at http://sghuang.com", Enforce HTTPS option can't be checked.
  • If Full (strict) mode (instead of Full) is set for SSL/TLS encryption on Cloudflare, certificate errors will prevent users from accessing the website.

The solution is inspired by a comment on Reddit. The problem is caused by Cloudflare's proxy settings:

  • GitHub Pages needs time to create certificates for the newly created site,
  • which is prevented by Cloudflare as a proxy layer.
  • Therefore, certificate can't be verified with Full (strict) encryption mode.

The solution is fairly simple:

  • Turn off proxy (orange cloud in DNS records setting) while setting up TLS certificates.
  • Remove custom domain from GitHub Pages setting.
  • Add the custom domain again. Now GitHub Pages should display the progress of certificate provisioning.
  • At this point, the Enforce HTTPS option can be checked but will be automatically unchecked with a red cross displayed.
  • Wait for a while and check the box again.
  • The website should be accessible under Full (strict) security setting.

Secondary Domain Configuration

DNS Records

Type Name Content
A feiyue
CNAME @ sghuang.com
CNAME www sghuang.com
CNAME notes notes.sghuang.com

The A record resolves to an internal IP address conventionally used as a "dead end". We need this record to be present for the subsequent forwarding rules to be applied; otherwise, a "server not found" error will prevent users from accessing this URL in the first place.

The CNAME records with name @ and www ensure both guanchao.pro and www.guanchao.pro are resolved to sghuang.com.

The final CNAME record is straightforward.


A redirect rule is set to redirect feiyue.guanchao.pro to an external page.

Hostname equals feiyue.guanchao.pro

Then... URL redirect
Type=Static URL=... Status code=301
Preserve query string=checked

A page rule is set to ensure two domain names can be used interchangeably, i.e., both subdomains and paths are preserved:

URL         = *guanchao.pro/*
setting = Forwarding URL
status code = 301
destination = https://$1sghuang.com/$2

Primary Domain Configuration

Type Name Content
A @
A @
A @
A @
CNAME www sghuang.com
CNAME notes publish-main.obsidian.com

Always Use HTTPS page rules are applied to the following URLs to enforce HTTPS:

  • http://sghuang.com/*
  • http://notes.sghuang.com/*

Additionally, www.sghuang.com/* is forwarded to https://sghuang.com/$1 to avoid some certificates problems when accessing the www URL.